Advanced partitioning

Partitioning allows you to specify for YDB rules for data placement in S3 (Yandex Object Storage).

Assume the data in S3 (Yandex Object Storage) is stored in the following directory structure:


When executing the query below, YDB will perform the following actions:

  1. Retrieve a full list of subdirectories within '/'.
  2. Attempt to process the name of each subdirectory in the format year=<DIGITS>.
  3. For each subdirectory year=<DIGITS>, retrieve a list of all subdirectories in the format month=<DIGITS>.
  4. Process the read data.
    SCHEMA =
        data String,
        year Int32,
        month Int32
    PARTITIONED_BY = "['year', 'month']"
    AND month=02

When working with partitioned data, a complete listing of the contents of S3 (Yandex Object Storage) is performed, which can take a considerable amount of time on large buckets.

To optimize performance on large data volumes, use "advanced partitioning". In this mode, S3 (Yandex Object Storage) directories are not scanned; instead, all paths are calculated in advance, and access is made only to these paths.

To enable advanced partitioning, specify the working rules through a special parameter - "projection". This parameter describes all the rules for data placement in the S3 (Yandex Object Storage) directories.


Advanced partitioning is called "partition projection" and is specified through the projection parameter.

Example of specifying advanced partitioning:

    SCHEMA =
        data String,
        year Int32,
        month Int32
    PARTITIONED_BY = "['year', 'month']",
    `projection.enabled` : "true",

    `projection.year.type` : "integer",
    `projection.year.min` : "2010",
    `projection.year.max` : "2022",
    `projection.year.interval` : "1",

    `projection.month.type` : "integer",
    `projection.month.min` : "1",
    `projection.month.max` : "12",
    `projection.month.interval` : "1",
    `projection.month.digits` : "2",

    `storage.location.template` : "${year}/${month}"

The example above specifies that data exists for each year and each month from 2010 to 2022, with data placed in directories like 2022/12 within the bucket. If data for a certain period is absent within the bucket, this does not cause errors; the query will execute successfully, and the data will be skipped in the calculations.

In general, the advanced partitioning setup looks as follows:

    SCHEMA = (<fields>, <field1>, <field2>),
    PARTITIONED_BY = "'['field1', 'field2']",
    `projection.enabled` : <"true"|"false">,

    `projection.<field1_name>.type` : "<type>",
    `projection.<field1_name>....` : "<extended_properties>",

    `projection.<field2_name>.type` : "<type>",
    `projection.<field2_name>....` : "<extended_properties>",

    `storage.location.template` : ".../${field2}/${field1}/..."

Field descriptions

Field name Description Allowed values
projection.enabled Whether advanced partitioning is enabled or not true, false
projection.<field1_name>.type Data type of the field integer, enum, date
projection.<field1_name>.XXX Specific properties of the type

Integer field type

It is used for columns whose values can be represented as integers ranging from 2-63 to 263-1.

Field name Mandatory Description Example values
projection.<field_name>.type Yes Data type of the field integer
projection.<field_name>.min Yes Specifies the minimum allowable value as an integer -100
projection.<field_name>.max Yes Specifies the maximum allowable value as an integer -10
projection.<field_name>.interval No, default is 1 Specifies the step between elements within the value range. For example, a step of 3 within the range 2 to 10 will result in the values: 2, 5, 8 2
projection.<field_name>.digits No, default is 0 Specifies the number of digits in the number. If the number of significant digits in the number is less than the specified value, the value is padded with leading zeros up to the specified number of digits. For example, if .digits=3 is specified and the number 2 is passed, it will be converted to 002 2

Enum field type

It is used for columns whose values can be represented as a set of enumerated values.

Field name Mandatory Description Example values
projection.<field_name>.type Yes Data type of the field enum
projection.<field_name>.values Yes Specifies the allowable values, separated by commas. Spaces are not ignored 1, 2

Date field type

It is used for columns whose values can be represented as dates. The allowable date range is from 1970-01-01 to 2105-01-01.

Field name Mandatory Description Example values
projection.<field_name>.type Yes Data type of the field date
projection.<field_name>.min Yes Specifies the minimum allowable date. Allowed values in the format YYYY-MM-DD or as an expression containing the special macro substitution NOW
projection.<field_name>.max Yes Specifies the maximum allowable date. Allowed values in the format YYYY-MM-DD or as an expression containing the special macro substitution NOW 2020-01-01
projection.<field_name>.format Yes Date formatting string based on strptime %Y-%m-%d
projection.<field_name>.unit No, default is DAYS Time interval units. Allowed values: YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS SECONDS
projection.<field_name>.interval No, default is 1 Specifies the step between elements within the value range with the specified dimension in projection.<field_name>.unit. For example, for the range 2021-02-02 to 2021-03-05 with a step of 15 and the dimension DAYS, the values will be: 2021-02-17, 2021-03-04 2

Working with the NOW macro substitution

  1. A number of arithmetic operations with the NOW macro substitution are supported: adding and subtracting time intervals. For example: NOW-3DAYS, NOW+1MONTH, NOW-6YEARS, NOW+4HOURS, NOW-5MINUTES, NOW+6SECONDS. The possible usage options for the macro substitution are described by the regular expression: ^\s*(NOW)\s*(([\+\-])\s*([0-9]+)\s*(YEARS?|MONTHS?|WEEKS?|DAYS?|HOURS?|MINUTES?|SECONDS?)\s*)?$


  3. Only one arithmetic operation is allowed in expressions; expressions like NOW-5MINUTES+6SECONDS are not supported.

  4. Working with intervals always results in obtaining a valid date, but depending on the dimension, the final results may vary:

    • Adding MONTHS to a date adds a calendar month, not a fixed number of days. For example, if the current date is 2023-01-31, adding 1 MONTHS will result in the date 2023-02-28.
    • Adding 30 DAYS to a date adds a fixed number of days. For example, if the current date is 2023-01-31, adding 30 DAYS will result in the date 2023-03-02.
    • The earliest possible date is 1970-01-01 (time 0 in Unix time). If the result of calculations is a date earlier than the minimum, the entire query fails with an error.
    • The latest possible date is 2105-12-31 (the maximum date in Unix time). If the result of calculations is a date later than the maximum, the entire query fails with an error.

Path templates

Data in S3 (Yandex Object Storage) buckets can be placed in directories with arbitrary names. The storage.location.template setting allows you to specify the naming rules for the directories where the data is stored.

Field name Description Example values
storage.location.template Path template for directory names. The path is specified as a text string with parameter macro substitutions ...${<field_name>}...${<field_name>}... root/a/${year}/b/${month}/d

If the path contains the characters $, \, or the characters {}, they must be escaped with the \ character. For example, to work with a directory named my$folder, it needs to be specified asmy\$folder.