YDB cluster topology

A YDB cluster consists of storage and database nodes. As the data stored in YDB is available only via queries and API calls, both types of nodes are essential for database availability. However, distributed storage consisting of storage nodes has the most impact on the cluster's fault tolerance and ability to persist data reliably. During the initial cluster deployment, an appropriate distributed storage operating mode needs to be chosen according to the expected workload and database availability requirements.

Cluster operating modes

Cluster topology is based on the chosen operating mode, which needs to be determined according to the fault tolerance requirements. YDB's failure model is based on the concepts of fail domain and fail realm.

The following YDB distributed storage operating modes are available:

  • none. There is no redundancy. Any hardware failure causes data to become unavailable or permanently lost. This mode is only recommended for development and functional testing.
  • block-4-2. Erasure coding is applied with two blocks of redundancy added to the four blocks of source data. Storage nodes are placed in at least 8 failure domains (usually racks). A storage pool remains available if any two domains fail, continuing to record all 6 data parts in the remaining domains. This mode is recommended for clusters deployed within a single availability zone or data center.
  • mirror-3-dc. Data is replicated to 3 availability zones using 3 failure domains (usually racks) within each zone. YDB cluster remains available even if one availability zone completely fails; additionally, one failure domain in the remaining zones can fail at the same time. This mode is recommended for multi-datacenter clusters with high availability requirements.
  • mirror-3-dc-3-nodes. A simplified version of mirror-3-dc. This mode requires at least 3 servers with 3 disks each. Each server must be located in an independent data center to provide reasonable fault tolerance. System health in this mode is maintained if no more than one server fails. This mode is only recommended for functional testing or building prototypes.


Node failure means both its total and partial unavailability, for example, failure of a single disk on a node.

The table below describes the requirements and fault tolerance levels for different operating modes:

Mode Storage
volume multiplier
of nodes
Number of
data centers
Number of
server racks
none, no fault tolerance 1 1 Node Node 1 1
block-4-2, can stand a failure of 2 racks 1.5 8 (10 recommended) Rack Data center 1 8
mirror-3-dc, can stand a failure of a data center and 1 rack in one of the remaining data centers 3 9 (12 recommended) Rack Data center 3 3 in each data center
block-4-2 (reduced), can stand a failure of 1 rack 1.5 10 ½ a rack Data center 1 5
mirror-3-dc (reduced), can stand a failure of a data center and 1 server in one of the two other data centers 3 12 ½ a rack Data center 3 6
mirror-3-dc (3 nodes), can stand a failure of a single server, or a failure of a data center 3 3 Server Data center 3 Doesn't matter


The storage volume multiplier specified above only applies to the fault tolerance factor. Other influencing factors (for example, slot fragmentation and granularity) must be taken into account for storage size planning.

When creating a storage group, which is a basic allocation unit for storage management, YDB selects VDisks that are located on PDisks from different fail domains. For block-4-2 mode, a storage group should be distributed across at least 8 fail domains, while for mirror-3-dc mode, it should be distributed across 3 fail realms, with at least 3 fail domains in each realm.

For information about how to set the YDB cluster topology, see Blob Storage configuration.

Reduced configurations

If it is impossible to use the recommended amount of hardware, you can divide servers within a single rack into two dummy fail domains. In this configuration, the failure of one rack results in the failure of two domains instead of just one. In such reduced configurations, YDB will continue to operate if two domains fail. The minimum number of racks in a cluster is five for block-4-2 mode and two per data center (e.g., six in total) for mirror-3-dc mode.

The minimal fault-tolerant configuration of a YDB cluster uses the mirror-3-dc-3-nodes operating mode, which requires only three servers. In this configuration, each server acts as both a fail domain and a fail realm, and the cluster can withstand the failure of only a single server.

Redundancy recovery

If a disk fails, YDB can automatically reconfigure a storage group. Whether the disk failure is caused by the whole server failure or not is irrelevant in this context. Auto reconfiguration of storage groups reduces the risk of data loss in the event of a sequence of failures, provided these failures occur with sufficient time intervals to recover redundancy. By default, reconfiguration begins one hour after YDB detects a failure.

Disk group reconfiguration replaces the VDisk located on the failed hardware with a new VDisk, and the system tries to place it on operational hardware. The same rules apply as when creating a storage group:

  • The new VDisk is created in a fail domain that is different from any other VDisks in the group.
  • In the mirror-3-dc mode, it is created within the same fail realm as the failed VDisk.

To ensure reconfiguration is possible, a cluster should have free slots available for creating VDisks in different fail domains. When determining the number of slots to keep free, consider the risk of hardware failure, the time required to replicate data, and the time needed to replace the failed hardware.

The disk group reconfiguration process increases the load on other VDisks in the group as well as on the network. The total data replication speed is limited on both the source and target VDisks to minimize the impact of redundancy recovery on system performance.

The time required to restore redundancy depends on the amount of data and hardware performance. For example, replication on fast NVMe SSDs may take an hour, while it could take more than 24 hours on large HDDs.

Disk group reconfiguration is limited or totally impossible when a cluster's hardware is distributed across the minimum required number of fail domains:

  • If an entire fail domain is down, reconfiguration becomes impractical, as a new VDisk can only be placed in the fail domain that is down.
  • Reconfiguration only happens when part of a fail domain is down. However, the load previously handled by the failed hardware will be redistributed across the surviving hardware, remaining in the same fail domain.

The load can be redistributed across all the hardware that is still running if the number of fail domains in a cluster exceeds the minimum amount required for creating storage groups by at least one. This means having 9 fail domains for block-4-2 and 4 fail domains in each fail realm for mirror-3-dc, which is recommended.

Capacity and performance considerations

The system can function with fail domains of any size. However, if there are few domains with varying numbers of disks, the number of storage groups that can be created will be limited. In such cases, hardware in overly large fail domains may be underutilized. If all hardware is fully utilized, significant differences in domain sizes may prevent reconfiguration.

For example, consider a cluster in block-4-2 mode with 15 racks. The first rack contains 20 servers, while the other 14 racks each contain 10 servers. To fully utilize the 20 servers from the first rack, YDB will create groups that include 1 disk from this largest fail domain in each group. Consequently, if any other fail domain's hardware fails, the load cannot be redistributed to the hardware in the first rack.

YDB can group disk drives of different vendors, capacities, and speeds. The resulting characteristics of a group depend on the set of the worst characteristics of the hardware serving the group. Generally, the best results can be achieved by using homogeneous hardware.


Hardware from the same batch is more likely to have similar defects and may fail simultaneously. It is essential to consider this when building large-scale YDB clusters.

Therefore, the optimal initial hardware configurations for production YDB clusters are as follows:

  • A cluster hosted in one availability zone: This setup uses the block-4-2 mode and consists of nine or more racks, each with an identical number of servers.
  • A cluster hosted in three availability zones: This setup uses the mirror-3-dc mode and is distributed across three data centers, with four or more racks in each, all containing an identical number of servers.

Database availability

A database within a YDB cluster is available if both its storage and compute resources are operational:

  • All storage groups allocated for the database must be operational, i.e., stay within the allowed level of failures.
  • The compute resources of the currently available database nodes (primarily the amount of main memory) must be sufficient to start all the tablets managing objects like tables or topics within the database and to handle user sessions.

To survive an entire data center outage at the database level, assuming a cluster configured with the mirror-3-dc operating mode:

  • The storage nodes need to have at least double the I/O bandwidth and disk capacity compared to what is required for normal operation. In the worst case, the load on the remaining nodes during the maximum allowed outage might triple, but that's only temporary until self-heal restores failed disks in operating data centers.
  • The database nodes must be evenly distributed between all 3 data centers and include sufficient resources to handle the entire workload when running in just 2 of the 3 data centers. To achieve this, database nodes in each datacenter need at least 35% extra spare CPU and RAM resources when running normally without ongoing failures. If database nodes are typically utilized above this threshold, consider adding more of them or moving them to servers with more resources.

See also