Selecting a primary key for maximum performance

The way columns are selected for a table's primary key defines YDB's ability to scale load and improve performance.

General recommendations for choosing a primary key:

  • Avoid situations where the main load falls on one partition of a table. The more evenly load is distributed across partitions, the better the performance.
  • Reduce the number of partitions that can be affected in a single request. Moreover, if the request affects no more than one partition, it is performed using a special simplified protocol. This significantly increases the speed and saves the resources.

All YDB tables are sorted by primary key in ascending order. In a table with a monotonically increasing primary key, this will result in new data being added at the end of a table. As YDB splits table data into partitions based on key ranges, inserts are always processed by the same server that is responsible for the "last" partition. Concentrating the load on a single server results in slow data uploading and inefficient use of a distributed system.
As an example, let's take logging of user events to a table with the ( timestamp, userid, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp, userid) ) schema.

The values in the timestamp column increase monotonically resulting in all new records being added at the end of a table, and the final partition, which is responsible for this range of keys, handles all the table inserts. This makes scaling insert loads impossible and performance will be limited by the single process servicing this partition and won't increase as new servers are added to a cluster.

YDB supports further automatic partition splitting upon a threshold size or load being reached. However, in this situation, once it splits off, the new partition will again begin handling all the inserts, and the situation will recur.

Techniques that let you evenly distribute load across table partitions

Changing the sequence of key components

Writing data to a table with the ( timestamp, userid, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp, userid) ) schema results in an uneven load on table partitions due to a monotonically increasing primary key. Changing the sequence of key components so that the monotonically increasing part isn't the first component can help distribute the load more evenly. If you redefine a table's primary key as PRIMARY KEY (userid, timestamp), the DB writes will distribute more evenly across the partitions provided there is a sufficient number of users generating events.

Using a hash of key column values as a primary key

To obtain a more even distribution of operations across a table's partitions and reduce the size of internal data structures, make the primary key "prefix" (initial part) values more varied. To do this, make the primary key include the value of a hash of the entire primary key or a part of the primary key.

For instance, the schema of this table with the schema ( timestamp, userid, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (userid, timestamp) ) might be made to include an additional field computed as a hash: userhash = HASH(userid). This would change the table schema as follows:

( userhash, userid, timestamp, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (userhash, userid, timestamp) )

If you select the hash function properly, rows will be distributed fairly evenly throughout the entire key space, which will result in a more even load on the system. At the same time, the fact that the key includes userid, timestamp after userhash keeps the data local and sorted by time for a specific user.

The userhash field in the example above must be computed by the application and specified explicitly both for inserting new records into the table and for data access by primary key.

Reducing the number of partitions affected by a single query

Let's assume that the main scenario for working with table data is to read all events by a specific userid. Then, when you use the ( timestamp, userid, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp, userid) ) table schema, each read affects all the partitions of the table. Moreover, each partition is fully scanned, since the rows related to a specific userid are located in an order that isn't known in advance. Changing the sequence of ( timestamp, userid, userevent, PRIMARY KEY (userid, timestamp) ) key components causes all rows related to a specific userid to follow each other. This row distribution will be useful for reading data by userid and will reduce load.

NULL value in a key column

In YDB, all columns, including key ones, may contain a NULL value. Using NULL as values in key columns isn't recommended. According to the SQL standard (ISO/IEC 9075), you can't compare NULL with other values. Therefore, the use of concise SQL statements with simple comparison operators may lead, for example, to skipping rows containing NULL during filtering.

Row size limit

To achieve high performance, we don't recommend writing rows larger than 8 MB and key columns larger than 2 KB to the DB.