Getting started with YDB in Kubernetes

Deploying YDB in Kubernetes is a simple way to set up and run a YDB cluster. Kubernetes allows to use an universal approach to managing your application in any cloud service provider. This guide provides instructions on how to deploy YDB in AWS EKS or Yandex Managed Service for Kubernetes.


YDB is delivered as a Helm chart that is a package with templates of Kubernetes structures. For more information about Helm, see the documentation. The YDB chart can be deployed in the following environment:

  1. A Kubernetes cluster with version 1.20 or higher. It needs to support Dynamic Volume Provisioning. Follow the instructions below if you don't have a suitable cluster yet.
  2. The kubectl command line tool is installed and Kubernetes cluster access is configured.
  3. The Helm package manager with a version higher than 3.1.0 is installed.

For YDB to work efficiently, we recommend using physical (not virtual) disks larger than 800 GB as block devices.

The minimum disk size is 80 GB, otherwise the YDB node won't be able to use the device. Correct and uninterrupted operation with minimum-size disks is not guaranteed. We recommend using such disks exclusively for informational purposes.


Configurations with disks less than 800 GB or any types of storage system virtualization cannot be used for production services or system performance testing.

We don't recommend storing YDB data on disks shared with other processes (for example, the operating system).

Creating a Kubernetes cluster

Skip this section if you have already configured a suitable Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Configure awscli and eksctl to work with AWS resources according to the documentation.

  2. Configure kubectl to work with a Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Run the following command:

  eksctl create cluster \
    --name ydb \
    --nodegroup-name standard-workers \
    --node-type c5a.2xlarge \
    --nodes 3 \
    --nodes-min 1 \
    --nodes-max 4

This command will create a Kubernetes cluster named ydb. The --node-type flag indicates that the cluster is deployed using c5a.2xlarge (8vCPUs, 16 GiB RAM) instances. This meets minimal guidelines for running YDB.

It takes 10 to 15 minutes on average to create a Kubernetes cluster. Wait for the process to complete before proceeding to the next step of YDB deployment. The kubectl configuration will be automatically updated to work with the cluster after it is created.

Overview of YDB Helm chart

The Helm chart installs YDB Kubernetes Operator to the Kubernetes cluster. It is a controller that follows the Operator design pattern. It implements the logic required for deploying and managing YDB components.

A YDB cluster consists of two kinds of nodes:

  • Storage nodes (Storage resource) provide the data persistence layer.
  • Dynamic nodes (Database resource) implement data access and processing.

Create both resources with the desired parameters to deploy a YDB cluster in Kubernetes. We'll follow this process in more detail below. The schema for these resources is hosted on GitHub.

After the chart data is processed by the controller, the following resources are created:

  • StatefulSet: A workload controller that assigns stable network IDs and disk resources to each container.
  • Service: An object that is used to access the created databases from applications.
  • ConfigMap: An object that is used to store the cluster configuration.

See the operator's source code on GitHub. The Helm chart is in the deploy folder.
YDB containers are deployed using images. Currently, they are only available as prebuilt artifacts.

Environment preparation

  1. Add the YDB repository to Helm:

Run the command:

helm repo add ydb

ydb: The repository alias. The YDB repository URL.


"ydb" has been added to your repositories
  1. Update the Helm chart index:

Run the command:

helm repo update


Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "ydb" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

Deploying a YDB cluster

Install the YDB Kubernetes operator

Use helm to deploy the YDB Kubernetes operator to the cluster:

helm install ydb-operator ydb/ydb-operator
  • ydb-operator: The installation name.
  • ydb/ydb-operator: The name of the chart in the repository you have added earlier.


NAME: ydb-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Aug 12 19:32:28 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

Deploy storage nodes

YDB supports a number of storage topologies. YDB Kubernetes operator comes with a few sample configuration files for the most common topologies. This guide uses them as-is, but feel free to adjust them as needed or implement a new configuration file from scratch.

Apply the manifest for creating storage nodes:

kubectl apply -f

This will create 8 YDB storage nodes that persist data using erasure coding. This takes only 50% of additional storage space to provide fault-tolerance.

kubectl apply -f

This will create 9 YDB storage nodes that store data with replication factor 3.

This command creates a StatefulSet object that describes a set of YDB containers with stable network IDs and disks assigned to them, as well as Service and ConfigMap objects that are required for the cluster to work.

YDB storage nodes take a while to initialize. You can check the initialization progress with kubectl get or kubectl describe Wait until the status of the Storage resource changes to Ready.


The cluster configuration is static. The controller won't process any changes when the manifest is reapplied. You can only update cluster parameters such as version or disk size by creating a new cluster.

Create a database and dynamic nodes

YDB database is a logical entity that is served by a set of dynamic nodes. A sample manifest that comes with YDB Kubernetes operator creates a database named database-sample with 3 dynamic nodes. As with storage nodes, feel free to adjust the configuration as needed.

Apply the manifest for creating a database and dynamic nodes:

kubectl apply -f


The value referenced by key must match the name of the Storage resource with storage nodes.

A StatefulSet object that describes a set of dynamic nodes is created after processing the manifest. The created database will be accessible from inside the Kubernetes cluster by the database-sample hostname or the database-sample.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local FQDN, where namespace indicates the namespace that was used for the installation. You can connect the database via port 2135.

View the status of the created resource:

kubectl describe


Name:         database-sample
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Database
  State:  Ready
  Type     Reason              Age    From          Message
  ----     ------              ----   ----          -------
  Normal   Provisioning        8m10s  ydb-operator  Resource sync is in progress
  Normal   Provisioning        8m9s   ydb-operator  Resource sync complete
  Normal   TenantInitialized   8m9s   ydb-operator  Tenant /root/database-sample created

State: Ready means that the database is ready to be used.

Test cluster operation

Check how YDB works:

  1. Check that all nodes are in the Running status:

    kubectl get pods


    NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    database-sample-0   1/1     Running   0          1m
    database-sample-1   1/1     Running   0          1m
    database-sample-2   1/1     Running   0          1m
    database-sample-3   1/1     Running   0          1m
    database-sample-4   1/1     Running   0          1m
    database-sample-5   1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-0    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-1    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-2    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-3    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-4    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-5    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-6    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-7    1/1     Running   0          1m
    storage-sample-8    1/1     Running   0          1m
  2. Start a new pod with YDB CLI:

    kubectl run -it --rm ydb-cli bash
  3. Query the YDB database:

    ydb \
      --endpoint grpc://database-sample-grpc:2135 \
      --database /root/database-sample \
      table query execute --query 'SELECT 2 + 2;'
    • --endpoint: The database endpoint.
    • --database: The name of the created database.
    • --query: The query text.


    | column0 |
    | 4       |

Further steps

After you have tested that the created YDB cluster operates fine you can continue using it as you see fit. For example, if you just want to continue experimenting, you can use it to follow the YQL tutorial.

Below are a few more things to consider.


YDB provides standard mechanisms for collecting logs and metrics. Logging is done to standard stdout and stderr streams and can be redirected using popular solutions. For example, you can use a combination of Fluentd and Elastic Stack.

To collect metrics, ydb-controller provides resources like ServiceMonitor. They can be handled using kube-prometheus-stack.

Tuning allocated resources

You can limit resource consumption for each YDB pod. If you leave the limit values empty, a pod can use the entire CPU time and VM RAM. This may cause undesirable effects. We recommend that you always specify the resource limits explicitly.

To learn more about resource allocation and limits, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Release the resources you don't use

If you no longer need the created YDB cluster, delete it by following these steps:

  1. To delete a YDB database and its dynamic nodes, just delete the respective Database resource:

    kubectl delete database-sample
  2. To delete YDB storage nodes, run the following commands:

    kubectl delete storage-sample
    kubectl delete pvc -l
  3. To remove the YDB Kubernetes operator, delete it with Helm:

    helm delete ydb-operator
    • ydb-operator: The name of the release that the controller was installed under.