JDBC driver properties

The JDBC driver for YDB supports the following configuration properties, which can be specified in the JDBC URL or passed via additional properties:

  • saFile — service account key for authentication. The valid value is either the content of the JSON file or a file reference.

  • iamEndpoint — custom IAM endpoint for authentication using a service account key.

  • token — token value for authentication. The valid value is either the token content or a token file reference.

  • useMetadata — indicates whether to use metadata authentication. Valid values are:

    • true — use metadata authentication.
    • false — do not use metadata authentication.

    Default value: false.

  • metadataURL — custom metadata endpoint.

  • localDatacenter — the name of the data center local to the application being connected.

  • secureConnection — indicates whether to use TLS. Valid values are:

    • true — enforce TLS.
    • false — do not enforce TLS.

    The primary way to indicate whether a connection is secure or not is by using the grpcs:// scheme for secure connections and grpc:// for insecure connections in the JDBC URL. This property allows overriding it.

  • secureConnectionCertificate — custom CA certificate for TLS connections. The valid value is either the certificate content or a certificate file reference.


File references for saFile, token, or secureConnectionCertificate must be prefixed with the file: URL scheme, for example:

  • saFile=file:~/mysakey1.json
  • token=file:/opt/secret/token-file
  • secureConnectionCertificate=file:/etc/ssl/cacert.cer

Using the QueryService mode

By default, the JDBC driver currently uses a legacy API for running queries to be compatible with a broader range of YDB versions. However, that API has some extra limitations. To turn off this behavior and use a modern API called "Query Service", add the useQueryService=true property to the JDBC URL.

JDBC URL examples

  • Local Docker container with anonymous authentication and without TLS:
  • Remote self-hosted cluster:
  • A cloud database instance with a token:
  • A cloud database instance with a service account: