Interactive query execution mode

After executing ydb command without subcommands, the interactive query execution mode will be launched. The console or terminal will be switched to interactive mode. After that, you can enter queries directly into the console or terminal, and when you enter a newline character, the query is considered complete and it starts to execute. The query text can be either a YQL query or a special command. Also, query history is saved between runs, command autocomplete is available, and there is a search function for query history.

General format of the command:

ydb [global options...]


Hotkey Description
CTRL + D Allows you to exit interactive mode.
Up arrow Scrolls through query history toward older queries.
Down arrow Scrolls through query history toward newer queries.
TAB Autocompletes the entered text to a suitable YQL command.
CTRL + R Allows searching for a query in history containing a specified substring.

Special commands

Special commands are CLI-specific commands and are not part of the YQL syntax. They are intended for performing various functions that cannot be accomplished through a YQL query.

Command Description
SET param = value The SET command sets the value of the internal variable param to value.
EXPLAIN query-text Outputs the query plan for query-text. Equivalent to the command ydb table query explain.
EXPLAIN AST query-text Outputs the query plan for query-text along with the AST. Equivalent to the command ydb table query explain --ast.

List of internal variables

Internal variables determine the behavior of commands and are set using the special command SET.

Variable Description
stats The statistics collection mode for subsequent queries.
Acceptable values:
  • none (default): Do not collect.
  • basic: Collect statistics.
  • full: Collect statistics and query plan.


Executing a query in the full statistics collection mode:

$ ydb
ydb> SET stats = full
ydb> select * from table1 limit 1
│ id │ key │ value │
│ 10 │ 0   │ ""    │

query_phases {
  duration_us: 14987
  table_access {
    name: "/ru-central1/a1v7bqj3vtf10qjleyow/laebarufb61tguph3g22/table1"
    reads {
      rows: 9937
      bytes: 248426
  cpu_time_us: 2925
  affected_shards: 1
process_cpu_time_us: 3816
total_duration_us: 79530
total_cpu_time_us: 6741

Full statistics:
Query 0:
└──Limit (Limit: 1)
   TotalCpuTimeUs: 175
   TotalTasks: 1
   TotalInputBytes: 6
   TotalInputRows: 1
   TotalOutputBytes: 16
   TotalDurationMs: 0
   TotalOutputRows: 1
      └──Limit (Limit: 1)
      └──TableFullScan (ReadColumns: ["id","key","value"], ReadRanges: ["key (-∞, +∞)"], Table: impex_table)
         Tables: ["table1"]
         TotalCpuTimeUs: 154
         TotalTasks: 1
         TotalInputBytes: 0
         TotalInputRows: 0
         TotalOutputBytes: 16
         TotalDurationMs: 0
         TotalOutputRows: 1