Getting profile information
Getting a list of profiles
Getting a list of profiles:
ydb config profile list
If there is a currently activated profile, it will be marked as (active)
in the output list, for example:
test (active)
Getting detailed profile information
Getting parameters saved in the specified profile:
ydb config profile get <profile_name>
For example:
$ ydb config profile get local1
endpoint: grpcs://
database: /rul1/b1g8skp/etn02099
sa-key-file: /Users/username/secrets/sa_key_test.json
Getting profiles with content
Full information on all profiles and parameters stored in them:
ydb config profile list --with-content
The output of this command combines the output of the command to get a list of profiles (with the active profile marked) and the parameters of each profile in the lines following its name.
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