device list

Use the device list subcommand to get a list of storage devices available on the YDB cluster.

General format of the command:

ydb-dstool [global options ...] device list [list options ...]

View a description of the command to get a list of devices:

ydb-dstool device list --help

Subcommand options

Option Description
-H, --human-readable Output data in human-readable format.
--sort-by Sort column.
Use one of the values: SerialNumber, FQDN, Path, Type, StorageStatus, or NodeId:PDiskId.
--reverse Use a reverse sort order.
--format Output format.
Use one of the values: pretty, json, tsv, or csv.
--no-header Do not output the row with column names.
--columns List of columns to be output.
Use one or more of the values: SerialNumber, FQDN, Path, Type, StorageStatus, or NodeId:PDiskId.
-A, --all-columns Output all columns.


The following command will output a list of devices available in the cluster:

ydb-dstool -e device list


│ SerialNumber       │ FQDN               │ Path                           │ Type │ StorageStatus             │ NodeId:PDiskId │
│ PHLN123301H41P2BGN │ │ /dev/disk/by-partlabel/nvme_04 │ NVME │ FREE                      │ NULL           │
│ PHLN123301A62P2BGN │ │ /dev/disk/by-partlabel/nvme_03 │ NVME │ PDISK_ADDED_BY_DEFINE_BOX │ [6:1001]       │