Working with topics

This article provides examples of how to use the YDB SDK to work with topics.

Before performing the examples, create a topic and add a consumer.

Topic usage examples

Initializing a connection

To interact with YDB Topics, create an instance of the YDB driver and topic client.

The YDB driver lets the app and YDB interact at the transport layer. The driver must exist during the YDB access lifecycle and be initialized before creating a client.

Topic client (source code) requires the YDB driver for work. It handles topics and manages read and write sessions.

App code snippet for driver initialization:

auto driverConfig = TDriverConfig()

TDriver driver(driverConfig);

This example uses authentication token from the YDB_TOKEN environment variable. For details see Connecting to a database and Authentication pages.

App code snippet for creating a client:

TTopicClient topicClient(driver);

To interact with YDB Topics, create an instance of the YDB transport and topic client.

The YDB transport lets the app and YDB interact at the transport layer. The transport must exist during the YDB access lifecycle and be initialized before creating a client.

App code snippet for transport initialization:

try (GrpcTransport transport = GrpcTransport.forConnectionString(connString)
        .build()) {
    // Use YDB transport

In this example CloudAuthHelper.getAuthProviderFromEnviron() helper method is used which retrieves auth token from environment variables.
For details see Connecting to a database and Authentication pages.

Topic client (source code) uses YDB transport and handles all topics topic operations, manages read and write sessions.

App code snippet for creating a client:

try (TopicClient topicClient = TopicClient.newClient(transport)
              .build()) {
  // Use topic client

Both provided examples use (try-with-resources) block.
It allows to automatically close client and transport on leaving this block, considering both classes extends AutoCloseable.

Managing topics

Creating a topic

For a full list of supported parameters, see the source code.

Example of creating a topic with three partitions and ZSTD codec support:

auto settings = NYdb::NTopic::TCreateTopicSettings()
    .PartitioningSettings(3, 3)

auto status = topicClient
    .CreateTopic("my-topic", settings)  // returns TFuture<TStatus>

For a full list of supported parameters, see the SDK documentation.

Example of creating a topic with a list of supported codecs and a minimum number of partitions:

err := db.Topic().Create(ctx, "topic-path",
  // optional
  topicoptions.CreateWithSupportedCodecs(topictypes.CodecRaw, topictypes.CodecGzip),

  // optional

Example of creating a topic with a list of supported codecs and a minimum number of partitions:

    supported_codecs=[ydb.TopicCodec.RAW, ydb.TopicCodec.GZIP], # optional
    min_active_partitions=3,                                    # optional

For a full list of supported parameters, see the source code.

topicClient.createTopic(topicPath, CreateTopicSettings.newBuilder()
                // Optional
                // Optional

Updating a topic

When you update a topic, you must specify the topic path and the parameters to be changed.

For a full list of supported parameters, see the source code.

Example of adding an important consumer and setting two days retention time for the topic:

auto alterSettings = NYdb::NTopic::TAlterTopicSettings()

auto status = topicClient
    .AlterTopic("my-topic", alterSettings)  // returns TFuture<TStatus>

For a full list of supported parameters, see the SDK documentation.

Example of adding a consumer to a topic:

err := db.Topic().Alter(ctx, "topic-path",
    Name:            "new-consumer",
    SupportedCodecs: []topictypes.Codec{topictypes.CodecRaw, topictypes.CodecGzip}, // optional

Example of updating a topic's list of supported codecs and minimum number of partitions:

    set_supported_codecs=[ydb.TopicCodec.RAW, ydb.TopicCodec.GZIP], # optional
    set_min_active_partitions=3,                                    # optional

For a full list of supported parameters, see the source code.

topicClient.alterTopic(topicPath, AlterTopicSettings.newBuilder()

Getting topic information

Use DescribeTopic method to get information about topic.

For a full list of description fields, see the source code.

Example of using topic description:

auto result = topicClient.DescribeTopic("my-topic").GetValueSync();
if (result.IsSuccess()) {
    const auto& description = result.GetTopicDescription();
    std::cout << "Topic description: " << GetProto(description) << std::endl;

There is another method DescribeConsumer to get informtaion about consumer.

  descResult, err := db.Topic().Describe(ctx, "topic-path")
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("failed drop topic: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("describe: %#v\n", descResult)
info = driver.topic_client.describe_topic(topic_path)

Use describeTopic method to get information about topic.

For a full list of description fields, see the source code.

Result<TopicDescription> topicDescriptionResult = topicClient.describeTopic(topicPath)
TopicDescription description = topicDescriptionResult.getValue();

Deleting a topic

To delete a topic, just specify the path to it.

auto status = topicClient.DropTopic("my-topic").GetValueSync();
  err := db.Topic().Drop(ctx, "topic-path")

Message writes

Connecting to a topic for message writes

Only connections with matching producer and message group identifiers are currently supported (producer_id shoud be equal to message_group_id). This restriction will be removed in the future.

The write session object with IWriteSession interface is used to connect to a topic for writing.

For a full list of write session settings, see the source code.

Example of creating a write session:

TString producerAndGroupID = "group-id";
auto settings = TWriteSessionSettings()

auto session = topicClient.CreateWriteSession(settings);
producerAndGroupID := "group-id"
writer, err := db.Topic().StartWriter(producerAndGroupID, "topicName",
if err != nil {
    return err
writer = driver.topic_client.writer(topic_path)

Writer settings initialization:

String producerAndGroupID = "group-id";
WriterSettings settings = WriterSettings.newBuilder()

Sync writer creation:

SyncWriter writer = topicClient.createSyncWriter(settings);

Writer should be initialized after it is created. There are two methods to do that:

  • init(): non-blocking, launches initialization in background and doesn't wait for it to finish.

  • initAndWait(): blocking, launches initialization and waits for it to finish.
    If an error occurs during this process, exception will be thrown.

    try {
        writer.initAndWait();"Init finished succsessfully");
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        logger.error("Exception while initializing writer: ", exception);

Writer settings initialization:

String producerAndGroupID = "group-id";
WriterSettings settings = WriterSettings.newBuilder()

Async writer creation and initialization:

AsyncWriter writer = topicClient.createAsyncWriter(settings);

// Init in background
        .thenRun(() ->"Init finished successfully"))
        .exceptionally(ex -> {
            logger.error("Init failed with ex: ", ex);
            return null;

Writing messages

IWriteSession interface allows asynchronous write.

The user processes three kinds of events in a loop: TReadyToAcceptEvent, TAcksEvent, and TSessionClosedEvent.

For each kind of event user can set a handler in write session settings before session creation. Also, a common handler can be set.

If handler is not set for a particular event, it will be delivered to SDK client via GetEvent / GetEvents methods. WaitEvent method allows user to await for a next event in non-blocking way with TFuture<void>() interface.

To write a message, user uses a move-only TContinuationToken object, which has been created by the SDK and has been delivered to the user with a TReadyToAcceptEvent event. During write user can set an arbitrary sequential number and a message creation timestamp. By default they are generated by the SDK.

Write is asynchronous. Data from messages is processed and stored in the internal buffer. Settings MaxMemoryUsage, MaxInflightCount, BatchFlushInterval, and BatchFlushSizeBytes control sending in the background. Write session reconnects to the YDB if the connection fails and resends the message if possible, with regard to RetryPolicy setting. If an error that cannot be repeated is received, write session stops and sends TSessionClosedEvent to the client.

Example of writing using event loop without any handlers set up:

// Event loop
while (true) {
    // Get event
    // May block for a while if write session is busy
    TMaybe<TWriteSessionEvent::TEvent> event = session->GetEvent(/*block=*/true);

    if (auto* readyEvent = std::get_if<TWriteSessionEvent::TReadyToAcceptEvent>(&*event)) {
        session->Write(std::move(event.ContinuationToken), "This is yet another message.");

    } else if (auto* ackEvent = std::get_if<TWriteSessionEvent::TAcksEvent>(&*event)) {
        std::cout << ackEvent->DebugString() << std::endl;

    } else if (auto* closeSessionEvent = std::get_if<TSessionClosedEvent>(&*event)) {

To send a message, just save Reader in the Data field, from which the data can be read. You can expect the data of each message to be read once (or until the first error). By the time you return the data from Write, it will already have been read and stored in the internal buffer.

By default, SeqNo and the message creation date are set automatically.

By default, Write is performed asynchronously: data from messages is processed and stored in the internal buffer, sending is done in the background. Writer reconnects to the YDB if the connection fails and resends the message if possible. If an error that cannot be repeated is received , Writer stops and subsequent Write calls will end with an error.

err := writer.Write(ctx,
  topicwriter.Message{Data: strings.NewReader("1")},
  topicwriter.Message{Data: bytes.NewReader([]byte{1,2,3})},
  topicwriter.Message{Data: strings.NewReader("3")},
if err != nil {
  return err

To deliver messages, you can either simply transmit message content (bytes, str) or set certain properties manually. You can send objects one-by-one or as a list. The write method is asynchronous. The method returns immediately once messages are put to the client's internal buffer; this is usually a fast process. If the internal buffer is filled up, you might need to wait until part of the data is sent to the server.

# Simple delivery of messages, without explicit metadata.
# Easy to get started, easy to use if everything you need is the message content.
writer = driver.topic_client.writer(topic_path)
writer.write("mess")  # Rows will be transmitted in UTF-8; this is the easiest way to send
                      # text messages.
writer.write(bytes([1, 2, 3]))  # These bytes will be transmitted as they are, this is the easiest way to send
                                # binary data.
writer.write(["mess-1", "mess-2"])  # This line multiple messages per call
                                    # to decrease overheads on internal SDK processes.
                                    # This makes sense when the message stream is high.

# This is the full form; it is used when except the message content you need to manually specify its properties.
writer = driver.topic_client.writer(topic="topic-path", auto_seqno=False, auto_created_at=False)

writer.write(ydb.TopicWriterMessage("asd", seqno=123,
writer.write(ydb.TopicWriterMessage(bytes([1, 2, 3]), seqno=124,

# In the full form, you can also send multiple messages per function call.
# This approach is useful when the message stream is high, and you want to
# reduce overheads on SDK internal calls.
  ydb.TopicWriterMessage("asd", seqno=123,,
  ydb.TopicWriterMessage(bytes([1, 2, 3]), seqno=124,,

Method send blocks until a message is put into writers sending queue.
Putting a message into this queue means that the writer will do its best to deliver it.
For example, if a writing session will be accidentally closed, the writer will reconnect and try to resend this message on a new session.
But putting a message into message queue has no guarantees that this message will be written.
For example, there could be errors that will lead to writer shutdown before messages from the queue are sent.
If you have to be sure for each message that it is written, use async writer and check status returned by send method.


long timeoutSeconds = 5; // How long should we wait for a message to be put into sending buffer
try {
} catch (TimeoutException exception) {
    logger.error("Send queue is full. Couldn't put message into sending queue within {} seconds", timeoutSeconds);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException exception) {
    logger.error("Couldn't put the message into sending queue due to exception: ", exception);

Method send puts a message into writer's sending queue.
Method returns CompletableFuture<WriteAck> which allows checking if the message was really written.
In case if the queue is full, QueueOverflowException exception will be thrown.
It is a way to signal a user that writing speed should be slowed down.
In this case a message write should be skipped or retried with exponential backoff.
Client buffer size can be also increased (setMaxSendBufferMemorySize) to be able to store more messages in memory before this exception is thrown.

try {
    // Non-blocking. Throws QueueOverflowException if send queue is full
} catch (QueueOverflowException exception) {
    // Send queue is full. Need to retry with backoff or skip

Message writes with storage confirmation on the server

IWriteSession interface allows getting server acknowledgments for writes.

Status of server-side message write is represented with TAcksEvent. One event can contain the statuses of several previously sent messages.Status is one of the following: message write is confirmed (EES_WRITTEN), message is discarded as a duplicate of a previously written message (EES_ALREADY_WRITTEN) or message is discarded because of failure (EES_DISCARDED).

Example of setting TAcksEvent handler for a write session:

auto settings = TWriteSessionSettings()
  // other settings are set here
        [&](TWriteSessionEvent::TAcksEvent& event) {
          for (const auto& ack : event.Acks) {
            if (ack.State == TWriteAck::EEventState::EES_WRITTEN) {
              std::cout << "Acknowledged message with seqNo " << ack.SeqNo << std::endl;

auto session = topicClient.CreateWriteSession(settings);

In this write session user does not receive TAcksEvent events in the GetEvent / GetEvents loop. Instead, SDK will call given handler on every acknowledgment coming from server. In the same way user can set up handlers for other types of events.

When connected, you can specify the synchronous message write option: topicoptions.WithSyncWrite(true). Then Write will only return after receiving a confirmation from the server that all messages passed in the call have been saved. If necessary, the SDK will reconnect and retry sending messages as usual. In this mode, the context only controls the response time from the SDK, meaning the SDK will continue trying to send messages even after the context is canceled.

producerAndGroupID := "group-id"
writer, _ := db.Topic().StartWriter(producerAndGroupID, "topicName",

err = writer.Write(ctx,
  topicwriter.Message{Data: strings.NewReader("1")},
  topicwriter.Message{Data: bytes.NewReader([]byte{1,2,3})},
  topicwriter.Message{Data: strings.NewReader("3")},
if err != nil {
  return err

There are two ways to get a message write acknowledgement from the server:

  • write_with_ack(...): Sends a message and waits for the acknowledgement of its delivery from the server. This method is slow when you are sending multiple messages in a row.
# Put multiple messages to the internal buffer and then wait
# until all of them are delivered to the server.
for mess in messages:


# You can send multiple messages and wait for an acknowledgment for the entire group.
writer.write_with_ack(["mess-1", "mess-2"])

# Waiting on sending each message: this method will return the result only after an
# acknowledgment from the server.
# This is the slowest message delivery option; use it when this mode is
# absolutely needed.

Blocking method flush() waits until all the messages previously written to the internal buffer are acknowledged:

for (byte[] message : messages) {

send method returns CompletableFuture<WriteAck>.
Its successful completion means that the fact that this message is written is confirmed by server.
WriteAck struct contains seqNo, offset and write status:

        .whenComplete((result, ex) -> {
            if (ex != null) {
                logger.error("Exception on writing message message: ", ex);
            } else {
                switch (result.getState()) {
                    case WRITTEN:
                        WriteAck.Details details = result.getDetails();
                        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("Message was written successfully");
                        if (details != null) {
                            str.append(", offset: ").append(details.getOffset());
                    case ALREADY_WRITTEN:
                        logger.warn("Message has already been written");

Selecting a codec for message compression

For more details on using data compression for topics, see here.

The message compression can be set on the write session creation with Codec and CompressionLevel settings. By default, GZIP codec is chosen.

Example of creating a write session with no data compression:

auto settings = TWriteSessionSettings()
  // other settings are set here

auto session = topicClient.CreateWriteSession(settings);

Write session allows sending a message compressed with other codec. For this use WriteEncoded method, specify codec used and original message byte size. The codec must be allowed in topic settings.

By default, the SDK selects the codec automatically based on topic settings. In automatic mode, the SDK first sends one group of messages with each of the allowed codecs, then it sometimes tries to compress messages with all the available codecs, and then selects the codec that yields the smallest message size. If the list of allowed codecs for the topic is empty, the SDK makes automatic selection between Raw and Gzip codecs.

If necessary, a fixed codec can be set in the connection options. It will then be used and no measurements will be taken.

producerAndGroupID := "group-id"
writer, _ := db.Topic().StartWriter(producerAndGroupID, "topicName",

By default, the SDK selects the codec automatically based on topic settings. In automatic mode, the SDK first sends one group of messages with each of the allowed codecs, then it sometimes tries to compress messages with all the available codecs, and then selects the codec that yields the smallest message size. If the list of allowed codecs for the topic is empty, the SDK makes automatic selection between Raw and Gzip codecs.

If necessary, a fixed codec can be set in the connection options. It will then be used and no measurements will be taken.

writer = driver.topic_client.writer(topic_path,
String producerAndGroupID = "group-id";
WriterSettings settings = WriterSettings.newBuilder()

Writing messages in no-deduplication mode

Using message metadata feature

You can provide some metadata for any particular message when writing. This metadata can be a list of up to 100 key-value pairs per message.
All the metadata provided when writing a message is sent to a consumer with the message during reading.

To take advantage of message metadata feature, use the Write() method with TWriteMessageargument as below:

auto settings = TWriteSessionSettings()
//set all oter settings;

auto session = topicClient.CreateWriteSession(settings);

TMaybe<TWriteSessionEvent::TEvent> event = session->GetEvent(/*block=*/true);
TWriteMessage message("This is yet another message").MessageMeta({
    {"meta-key", "meta-value"},
    {"another-key", "value"}

if (auto* readyEvent = std::get_if<TWriteSessionEvent::TReadyToAcceptEvent>(&*event)) {
    session->Write(std::move(event.ContinuationToken), std::move(message));

Construct messages with the builder to take advantage of the message metadata feature. You can add MetadataItem objects to a message. Each item consists of a key of type String and a value of type byte[].

MetadataItems can be set as a List:

List<MetadataItem> metadataItems = Arrays.asList(
        new MetadataItem("meta-key", "meta-value".getBytes()),
        new MetadataItem("another-key", "value".getBytes())

Or each MetadataItem can be added individually:

                .addMetadataItem(new MetadataItem("meta-key", "meta-value".getBytes()))
                .addMetadataItem(new MetadataItem("another-key", "value".getBytes()))

While reading, metadata can be received from a Message with the getMetadataItems() method:

Message message = reader.receive();
List<MetadataItem> metadata = message.getMetadataItems();

Write in a transaction

To write to a topic within a transaction, create a transactional writer by calling TopicClient.StartTransactionalWriter with the tx argument. Once created, you can send messages as usual. There's no need to close the transactional writer manually, as it will be closed automatically when the transaction ends.

Example on GitHub

err := db.Query().DoTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx query.TxActor) error {
  writer, err := db.Topic().StartTransactionalWriter(tx, topicName)
  if err != nil {
    return err

  return writer.Write(ctx, topicwriter.Message{Data: strings.NewReader("asd")})

Example on GitHub

Transaction can be set in the SendSettings argument of the send method while sending a message.
Such a message will be written on the transaction commit.

// creating a session in the table service
Result<Session> sessionResult = tableClient.createSession(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).join();
if (!sessionResult.isSuccess()) {
    logger.error("Couldn't get a session from the pool: {}", sessionResult);
    return; // retry or shutdown
Session session = sessionResult.getValue();
// creating a transaction in the table service
// this transaction is not yet active and has no id
TableTransaction transaction = session.createNewTransaction(TxMode.SERIALIZABLE_RW);

// get message text within the transaction
Result<DataQueryResult> dataQueryResult = transaction.executeDataQuery("SELECT \"Hello, world!\";")
if (!dataQueryResult.isSuccess()) {
    logger.error("Couldn't execute DataQuery: {}", dataQueryResult);
    return; // retry or shutdown
// now the transaction is active and has an id

ResultSetReader rsReader = dataQueryResult.getValue().getResultSet(0);
byte[] message;
if ( {
    message = rsReader.getColumn(0).getBytes();
} else {
    return; // retry or shutdown


// flush to wait until all messages reach server

Status commitStatus = transaction.commit().join();


Transaction requirements:

  • It should be an active transaction (that has an id) from one of YDB services. I.e., Table or Query.
  • Only the SERIALIZABLE_RW transaction isolation level is supported in the Topic Service.

Example on GitHub

Transaction can be set in the SendSettings argument of the send method while sending a message.
Such a message will be written on the transaction commit.

// creating a session in the table service
Result<Session> sessionResult = tableClient.createSession(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).join();
if (!sessionResult.isSuccess()) {
    logger.error("Couldn't get a session from the pool: {}", sessionResult);
    return; // retry or shutdown
Session session = sessionResult.getValue();
// creating a transaction in the table service
// this transaction is not yet active and has no id
TableTransaction transaction = session.createNewTransaction(TxMode.SERIALIZABLE_RW);

// get message text within the transaction
Result<DataQueryResult> dataQueryResult = transaction.executeDataQuery("SELECT \"Hello, world!\";")
if (!dataQueryResult.isSuccess()) {
    logger.error("Couldn't execute DataQuery: {}", dataQueryResult);
    return; // retry or shutdown
// now the transaction is active and has an id

ResultSetReader rsReader = dataQueryResult.getValue().getResultSet(0);
byte[] message;
if ( {
    message = rsReader.getColumn(0).getBytes();
} else {
    return; // retry or shutdown

try {
            .whenComplete((result, ex) -> {
                if (ex != null) {
                    logger.error("Exception while sending a message: ", ex);
                } else {
                    switch (result.getState()) {
                        case WRITTEN:
                            WriteAck.Details details = result.getDetails();
                  "Message was written successfully, offset: " + details.getOffset());
                        case ALREADY_WRITTEN:
                  "Message has already been written");
            // Waiting for the message to reach the server before committing the transaction

    Status commitStatus = transaction.commit().join();
} catch (QueueOverflowException exception) {
    logger.error("Queue overflow exception while sending a message{}: ", index, exception);
    // Send queue is full. Need to retry with backoff or skip


Transaction requirements:

  • It should be an active transaction (that has an id) from one of YDB services. I.e., Table or Query.
  • Only the SERIALIZABLE_RW transaction isolation level is supported in the Topic Service.

Reading messages

Connecting to a topic for message reads

To be able to read messages from topic, a Consumer on this topic should exist.
A Consumer can be created on creating or altering a topic.
Topic can have several Consumers and for each of them server stores its own reading progress.

The read session object with IReadSession interface is used to connect to one or more topics for reading.

For a full list of read session settings, see TReadSessionSettings class in the source code.

To establish a connection to the existing my-topic topic using the added my-consumer consumer, use the following code:

auto settings = TReadSessionSettings()

auto session = topicClient.CreateReadSession(settings);

To establish a connection to the existing my-topic topic using the added my-consumer consumer, use the following code:

reader, err := db.Topic().StartReader("my-consumer", topicoptions.ReadTopic("my-topic"))
if err != nil {
    return err

To establish a connection to the existing my-topic topic using the added my-consumer consumer, use the following code:

reader = driver.topic_client.reader(topic="topic-path", consumer="consumer_name")

Reader settings initialization:

ReaderSettings settings = ReaderSettings.newBuilder()
                .setReadFrom( // Optional
                .setMaxLag(Duration.ofMinutes(30)) // Optional

Sync reader creation:

SyncReader reader = topicClient.createSyncReader(settings);

After a reader is created, it has to be initialized. Sync reader has two methods for this:

  • init(): non-blocking, launches initialization in background and does not wait for it to finish.

  • initAndWait(): blocking, launches initialization and waits for it to finish.
    If an error occurs during this process, exception will be thrown.

    try {
        reader.initAndWait();"Init finished succsessfully");
    } catch (Exception exception) {
        logger.error("Exception while initializing reader: ", exception);

Reader settings initialization:

ReaderSettings settings = ReaderSettings.newBuilder()
                .setReadFrom( // Optional
                .setMaxLag(Duration.ofMinutes(30)) // Optional

For async reader, ReadEventHandlersSettings also have to be provided with an implementation of ReadEventHandler.
It describes how events should be handled during reading.

ReadEventHandlersSettings handlerSettings = ReadEventHandlersSettings.newBuilder()
    .setEventHandler(new Handler())

Optionally, an executor for message handling can be also provided in ReadEventHandlersSettings.
To implement a Handler, default abstract class AbstractReadEventHandler can be used.
It is enough to override the onMessages method that describes message handling. Implementation example:

private class Handler extends AbstractReadEventHandler {
    public void onMessages(DataReceivedEvent event) {
        for (Message message : event.getMessages()) {
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
  "Message received. SeqNo={}, offset={}", message.getSeqNo(), message.getOffset());


            message.commit().thenRun(() -> {
      "Message committed");

Async reader creation and initialization:

AsyncReader reader = topicClient.createAsyncReader(readerSettings, handlerSettings);
// Init in background
        .thenRun(() ->"Init finished successfully"))
        .exceptionally(ex -> {
            logger.error("Init failed with ex: ", ex);
            return null;

Additional options are used to specify multiple topics and other parameters.
To establish a connection to the my-topic and my-specific-topic topics using the my-consumer consumer and also set the time to start reading messages, use the following code:

auto settings = TReadSessionSettings()

auto session = topicClient.CreateReadSession(settings);
reader, err := db.Topic().StartReader("my-consumer", []topicoptions.ReadSelector{
        Path: "my-topic",
        Path:       "my-specific-topic",
        ReadFrom:   time.Date(2022, 7, 1, 10, 15, 0, 0, time.UTC),
if err != nil {
    return err

This feature is under development.

ReaderSettings settings = ReaderSettings.newBuilder()
                .setReadFrom( // Optional
                .setMaxLag(Duration.ofMinutes(30)) // Optional

Reading messages

The server stores the consumer offset. After reading a message, the client should send a commit to the server. The consumer offset changes and only uncommitted messages will be read in case of a new connection.

You can read messages without a commit as well. In this case, all uncommited messages, including those processed, will be read if there is a new connection.

Information about which messages have already been processed can be saved on the client side by sending the starting consumer offset to the server when creating a new connection. This does not change the consumer offset on the server.

Data from topics can be read in the context of transactions. In this case, the reading offset will only advance when the transaction is committed. On reconnect, all uncommitted messages will be read again.

The user processes several kinds of events in a loop: TDataReceivedEvent, TCommitOffsetAcknowledgementEvent, TStartPartitionSessionEvent, TStopPartitionSessionEvent, TPartitionSessionStatusEvent, TPartitionSessionClosedEvent and TSessionClosedEvent.

For each kind of event user can set a handler in read session settings before session creation. Also, a common handler can be set.

If handler is not set for a particular event, it will be delivered to SDK client via GetEvent / GetEvents methods. The WaitEvent method allows user to await for a next event in non-blocking way with TFuture<void>() interface.

The SDK receives data from the server in batches and buffers it. Depending on the task, the client code can read messages from the buffer one by one or in batches.

The SDK receives data from the server in batches and buffers it. Depending on the task, the client code can read messages from the buffer one by one or in batches.

The SDK receives data from the server in batches and buffers it. Depending on the task, the client code can read messages from the buffer one by one or in batches.

Reading without a commit

Reading messages one by one

Reading messages one-by-one is not supported in the C++ SDK. Class TDataReceivedEvent represents a batch of read messages.

func SimpleReadMessages(ctx context.Context, r *topicreader.Reader) error {
    for {
        mess, err := r.ReadMessage(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return err
while True:
    message = reader.receive_message()

To read messages one-by-one without commit just do not call the commit method on messages:

while(true) {
    Message message = reader.receive();

Reading messages one-by-one is not supported in async Reader.

Reading message batches

One simple way to read messages is to use SimpleDataHandlers setting when creating a read session. With it you only set a handler for a TDataReceivedEvent. SDK will call it for each batch of messages that came from server. By default, SDK does not send back acknowledgments of successful reads.

auto settings = TReadSessionSettings()
        [](TReadSessionEvent::TDataReceivedEvent& event) {
            std::cout << "Get data event " << DebugString(event);

auto session = topicClient.CreateReadSession(settings);

// Wait SessionClosed event.
ReadSession->GetEvent(/* block = */true);

In this example client creates read session and just awaits session close in the main thread. All other event types are handled by SDK.

func SimpleReadBatches(ctx context.Context, r *topicreader.Reader) error {
    for {
        batch, err := r.ReadMessageBatch(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            return err
while True:
  batch = reader.receive_batch()

Reading messages in batches is not supported in sync Reader.

To read messages without commit just do not call the commit method:

private class Handler extends AbstractReadEventHandler {
    public void onMessages(DataReceivedEvent event) {
        for (Message message : event.getMessages()) {

Reading with a commit

Confirmation of message processing (commit) informs the server that the message from the topic has been processed by the recipient and does not need to be sent anymore. When using acknowledged reading, it is necessary to confirm all received messages without skipping any. Message commits on the server occur after confirming a consecutive interval of messages "without gaps," and the confirmations themselves can be sent in any order.

For example, if messages 1, 2, 3 are received from the server, the program processes them in parallel and sends confirmations in the following order: 1, 3, 2. In this case, message 1 will be committed first, and messages 2 and 3 will be committed only after the server receives confirmation of the processing of message 2.

If a commit fails with an error, the application should log it and continue; it makes no sense to retry the commit. At this point, it is not known if the message was actually confirmed.

Reading messages one by one with commits

Reading messages one-by-one is not supported in the C++ SDK. Class TDataReceivedEvent represents a batch of read messages.

func SimpleReadMessages(ctx context.Context, r *topicreader.Reader) error {
    for {
      mess, err := r.ReadMessage(ctx)
      if err != nil {
          return err
      r.Commit(mess.Context(), mess)
while True:
    message = reader.receive_message()

To commit a message just call commit method on it.
This method returns CompletableFuture<Void> which successful completion means that the server confirmed commit.
In case of an error on commit do not retry it. Most likely, an error is caused be session shutdown.
The reader (maybe another one) will create a new session for this partition and the message will be read again.

       .whenComplete((result, ex) -> {
           if (ex != null) {
               // Read session was probably closed, there is nothing we can do here.
               // Do not retry this commit on the same message.
               logger.error("exception while committing message: ", ex);
           } else {
     "message committed successfully");

Reading message batches with commits

Same as above example, when using SimpleDataHandlers handlers you only set handler for a TDataReceivedEvent. SDK will call it for each batch of messages that came from server. By setting commitDataAfterProcessing = true, you tell SDK to send back commits after executing a handler for corresponding event.

auto settings = TReadSessionSettings()
        [](TReadSessionEvent::TDataReceivedEvent& event) {
            std::cout << "Get data event " << DebugString(event);
        , /* commitDataAfterProcessing = */true

auto session = topicClient.CreateReadSession(settings);

// Wait SessionClosed event.
ReadSession->GetEvent(/* block = */true);
func SimpleReadMessageBatch(ctx context.Context, r *topicreader.Reader) error {
    for {
      batch, err := r.ReadMessageBatch(ctx)
      if err != nil {
          return err
      r.Commit(batch.Context(), batch)
while True:
  batch = reader.receive_batch()

Not relevant due to sync reader only reading messages one by one.

In onMessage handler whole message batch in DataReceivedEvent can be committed:

public void onMessages(DataReceivedEvent event) {
    for (Message message : event.getMessages()) {
           .whenComplete((result, ex) -> {
               if (ex != null) {
                   // Read session was probably closed, there is nothing we can do here.
                   // Do not retry this commit on the same event.
                   logger.error("exception while committing message batch: ", ex);
               } else {
         "message batch committed successfully");

Reading with consumer offset storage on the client side

Instead of committing messages, the client application may track reading progress on its own. In this case, it can provide a handler, which will be called back on each partition read start. This handler may set a starting reading position for this partition.

The starting position of a specific partition read can be set during TStartPartitionSessionEvent handling.
For this purpose, TStartPartitionSessionEvent::Confirm has a readOffset parameter.
Additionally, there is a commitOffset parameter that tells the server to consider all messages with lesser offsets committed.

Setting handler example:

    [](TReadSessionEvent::TStartPartitionSessionEvent& event) {
        auto readFromOffset = GetOffsetToReadFrom(event.GetPartitionId());

In the code above,GetOffsetToReadFrom is part of the example, not SDK. Use your own method to provide the correct starting offset for a partition with a given partition id.

Also, TReadSessionSettings has a ReadFromTimestamp setting for reading only messages newer than the given timestamp. This setting is intended to skip some messages, not for precise reading start positioning. Several first-received messages may still have timestamps less than the specified one.

func ReadWithExplicitPartitionStartStopHandlerAndOwnReadProgressStorage(ctx context.Context, db ydb.Connection) error {
    readContext, stopReader := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    defer stopReader()

    readStartPosition := func(
        ctx context.Context,
        req topicoptions.GetPartitionStartOffsetRequest,
    ) (res topicoptions.GetPartitionStartOffsetResponse, err error) {
        offset, err := readLastOffsetFromDB(ctx, req.Topic, req.PartitionID)

        // Reader will stop if return err != nil
        return res, err

    r, err := db.Topic().StartReader("my-consumer", topicoptions.ReadTopic("my-topic"),
    if err != nil {
        return err

    go func() {
        _ = r.Close(ctx)

    for {
        batch, err := r.ReadMessageBatch(readContext)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        _ = externalSystemCommit(batch.Context(), batch.Topic(), batch.PartitionID(), batch.EndOffset())

This feature is under development.

The starting offset for reading in Java can only be set for AsyncReader.
In StartPartitionSessionEvent, a StartPartitionSessionSettings object with the desired ReadOffset can be passed to the confirm method.
The offset that should be considered as committed can be set with the setCommittedOffset method.

public void onStartPartitionSession(StartPartitionSessionEvent event) {
            .setReadOffset(lastReadOffset) // Long
            .setCommitOffset(lastCommitOffset) // Long

The setReadFrom setting is used for reading only messages with write timestamps no less than the given one.

Reading without a Consumer

Reading progress is usually saved on a server for each Consumer. However, such progress can't be saved if a reader is created without a specified Consumer.

To read without a Consumer, the withoutConsumer() method should be called explicitly on the ReaderSettings builder:

ReaderSettings settings = ReaderSettings.newBuilder()

In this case, reading progress on the server will be lost on partition session restart.
To avoid reading from the beginning each time, starting offsets should be set on each partition session start:

public void onStartPartitionSession(StartPartitionSessionEvent event) {
            .setReadOffset(lastReadOffset) // the last offset read by this client, Long

Reading in a transaction

Before reading messages, the client code must pass a transaction object reference to the reading session settings.


auto tableSettings = NYdb::NTable::TTxSettings::SerializableRW();
auto transactionResult = TableSession->BeginTransaction(tableSettings).GetValueSync();
auto Transaction = transactionResult.GetTransaction();

NYdb::NTopic::TReadSessionGetEventSettings topicSettings;

auto events = ReadSession->GetEvents(topicSettings);

for (auto& event : events) {
    // process the event and write results to a table

NYdb::NTable::TCommitTxSettings commitSettings;
auto commitResult = Transaction.Commit(commitSettings).GetValueSync();


When processing events, you do not need to confirm processing for TDataReceivedEvent events explicitly.

Confirmation of the TStopPartitionSessionEvent event processing must be done after calling Commit.

std::optional<TStopPartitionSessionEvent> stopPartitionSession;

auto events = ReadSession->GetEvents(topicSettings);

for (auto& event : events) {
    if (auto* e = std::get_if<TStopPartitionSessionEvent>(&event) {
        stopPartitionSessionEvent = std::move(*e);
    } else {
        // process the event and write results to a table

NYdb::NTable::TCommitTxSettings commitSettings;
auto commitResult = Transaction.Commit(commitSettings).GetValueSync();

if (stopPartitionSessionEvent) {

To read messages from a topic within a transaction, use the Reader.PopMessagesBatchTx method. It reads a batch of messages and adds their commit to the transaction, so there's no need to commit them separately. The reader can be reused across different transactions. However, it's important to commit transactions in the same order as the messages are read from the reader, as message commits in the topic must be performed strictly in order. The simplest way to ensure this is by using the reader within a loop.

Example on GitHub

for {
  err := db.Query().DoTx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx query.TxActor) error {
    batch, err := reader.PopMessagesBatchTx(ctx, tx) // the batch will be committed along with the transaction
    if err != nil {
      return err

    return processBatch(ctx, batch)
  if err != nil {

Example on GitHub

A transaction can be set in ReceiveSettings for the receive method:

Message message = reader.receive(ReceiveSettings.newBuilder()

A message received this way will be automatically committed with the provided transaction and shouldn't be committed directly.
The receive method sends the sendUpdateOffsetsInTransaction request on the server to link the message offset with this transaction and blocks until a response is received.


Transaction requirements:

  • It should be an active transaction (that has an id) from one of YDB services. I.e., Table or Query.
  • Only the SERIALIZABLE_RW transaction isolation level is supported in the Topic Service.

Example on GitHub

In the onMessages callback, one or more messages can be linked with a transaction.
To do that request reader.updateOffsetsInTransaction should be called. And transaction should not be committed until a response is received.
This method needs a partition offsets list as a parameter.
Such a list can be constructed manually or using the helper method getPartitionOffsets() that Message and DataReceivedEvent both provide.

public void onMessages(DataReceivedEvent event) {
    for (Message message : event.getMessages()) {
        // creating a session in the table service
        Result<Session> sessionResult = tableClient.createSession(Duration.ofSeconds(10)).join();
        if (!sessionResult.isSuccess()) {
            logger.error("Couldn't get a session from the pool: {}", sessionResult);
            return; // retry or shutdown
        Session session = sessionResult.getValue();
        // creating a transaction in the table service
        // this transaction is not yet active and has no id
        TableTransaction transaction = session.createNewTransaction(TxMode.SERIALIZABLE_RW);

        // do something else in the transaction
        transaction.executeDataQuery("SELECT 1").join();
        // now the transaction is active and has an id
        // analyzeQueryResultIfNeeded();

        Status updateStatus = reader.updateOffsetsInTransaction(transaction,
                        message.getPartitionOffsets(), new UpdateOffsetsInTransactionSettings.Builder().build())
                // Do not commit a transaction without waiting for updateOffsetsInTransaction result to avoid a race condition
        if (!updateStatus.isSuccess()) {
            logger.error("Couldn't update offsets in a transaction: {}", updateStatus);
            return; // retry or shutdown

        Status commitStatus = transaction.commit().join();


Transaction requirements:

  • It should be an active transaction (that has an id) from one of YDB services. I.e., Table or Query.
  • Only the SERIALIZABLE_RW transaction isolation level is supported in the Topic Service.

Processing a server read interrupt

YDB uses server-based partition balancing between clients. This means that the server can interrupt the reading of messages from random partitions.

In case of a soft interruption, the client receives a notification that the server has finished sending messages from the partition and messages will no longer be read. The client can finish processing messages and send a commit to the server.

In case of a hard interruption, the client receives a notification that it is no longer possible to work with partitions. The client must stop processing the read messages. Uncommited messages will be transferred to another consumer.

Soft reading interruption

The TStopPartitionSessionEvent class is used for soft reading interruption. It helps user to stop message processing gracefully.

Example of event loop fragment:

auto event = ReadSession->GetEvent(/*block=*/true);
if (auto* stopPartitionSessionEvent = std::get_if<TReadSessionEvent::TStopPartitionSessionEvent>(&*event)) {
} else {
  // other event types

The client code immediately receives all messages from the buffer (on the SDK side) even if they are not enough to form a batch during batch processing.

r, _ := db.Topic().StartReader("my-consumer", nil,

for {
    batch, _ := r.ReadMessageBatch(ctx) // <- if partition soft stop batch can be less, then 1000
    _ = r.Commit(batch.Context(), batch)

No special processing is required.

while True:
  batch = reader.receive_batch()

Not relevant due to not being possible to change the way of handling such events.
Client will automatically respond to server that it is ready to stop.

onStopPartitionSession(StopPartitionSessionEvent event) handler should be overridden to handle this event:

public void onStopPartitionSession(StopPartitionSessionEvent event) {"Partition session {} stopped. Committed offset: {}", event.getPartitionSessionId(),
    // This event means that no more messages will be received by server
    // Received messages still can be read from ReaderBuffer
    // Messages still can be committed, until confirm() method is called

    // Confirm that session can be closed

Hard reading interruption

The hard interruption of reading messages is implemented using an TPartitionSessionClosedEvent event. It can be received either as soft interrupt confirmation response, or in the case of lost connection. The user can find out the reason for session closing using the GetReason method.

Example of event loop fragment:

auto event = ReadSession->GetEvent(/*block=*/true);
if (auto* partitionSessionClosedEvent = std::get_if<TReadSessionEvent::TPartitionSessionClosedEvent>(&*event)) {
    if (partitionSessionClosedEvent->GetReason() == TPartitionSessionClosedEvent::EReason::ConnectionLost) {
        std::cout << "Connection with partition was lost" << std::endl;
} else {
  // other event types

When reading is interrupted, the message or message batch context is canceled.

ctx := batch.Context() // batch.Context() will cancel if partition revoke by server or connection broke
if len(batch.Messages) == 0 {

buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, mess := range batch.Messages {
    _, _ = buf.ReadFrom(mess)
    _, _ = io.Copy(buf, mess)
    writeMessagesToDB(ctx, buf.Bytes())

In this example, processing of messages within the batch will stop if the partition is reassigned during operation. This kind of optimization requires that you run extra code on the client side. In simple cases when processing of reassigned partitions is not a problem, you may skip this optimization.

def process_batch(batch):
    for message in batch.messages:
        if not batch.alive:
            return False
    return True

batch = reader.receive_batch()
if process_batch(batch):

Not relevant due to not being possible to change the way of handling such events.

public void onPartitionSessionClosed(PartitionSessionClosedEvent event) {"Partition session {} is closed.", event.getPartitionSession().getPartitionId());